an interview with Alex…

Here’s an interview with a recent grad of the MFA program who’s just published his first novel!

Who needs a golden ticket?

“Chocolate Factory” theme park to open in Amsterdam Family lore is that my paternal grandmother’s family owned a chocolate/candy factory in the Netherlands…How fitting. ๐Ÿ™‚ Also explains my sweet tooth.

July update

Hallooo, Dear Readers. Or Reader? Maybe there is only one of you. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I am spending my time working for/with the lovely folks at the AAUP, doing lots of different things. “Home-home” one last time before my parents move in two weeks. “Blargh!” I say. “Blargh!” Working on the theses and a few other fun […]

June 11, 2006

I went to The National Museum of American History this morning. It’s closing on 9/4 until the summer of 2008! EEEP! It’s my favorite museum, and is a sanctuary of sorts…I have a lot of fond memories of going there with friends, family, by myself…sigh Anyway, there are pictures posted. First things first, I went […]

Deja Who?

Hi there. As you can see, I’m starting from scratch! More will be here soon! ๐Ÿ™‚